Ruth Moore was a Tremont native, born into a fishing family on Great Gott Island in the early 1900s. She is heralded as one of the most important Maine authors of the twentieth century, described as “New England’s answer to Faulkner.” Her works—including novels, essays, poems, and short fiction—are known for capturing the spirit of Maine’s people and evocatively describing the state. Although she was considered a regional writer by some, in truth her work appealed to wide audiences, with her novel, Spoonhandle, making The New York Times Bestseller list and adapted into the film, Deep Waters.
Every July, the Bass Harbor Library and the Tremont Historical Society collaborate to host Ruth Moore Days. The week-long celebration in Moore’s hometown typically includes an art show inspired by the work of Ruth Moore as well as programs such as theatre, panel discussions, and author talks. The organizers aim to introduce her legacy to a wider audience and provide new insight and enrichment to our understanding of her life and work.
This year, join the Bass Harbor Memorial Library July 18 - 22 to celebrate Ruth Moore Days.

July 18 - Art Opening and Reception for the
work of Mary Hays
July 20 - First Annual Ruth Moore Poetry
July 21 - Jefferson Navicky presents “The
Offshore Islands Belong to
July 22 - Tremont Historical Society 175th
anniversary with Gus La Casse &
Mathias Kamin with readings from
the work of Ruth Moore Ruth Moore
As part of the effort to help revitalize Ruth Moore's work and continue sharing her legacy with new audiences, Islandport Press acquired the rights to her works in 2019. We have thus far republished her novelsThe Weir, Spoonhandle, Candlemas Bay, The Walk Down Main Street, Second Growth, Speak to the Winds, and The Fire Balloon, alongside multiple collections of poems and short stories. These can all be purchased at
For more information on Ruth Moore Days, visit the Bass Harbor Memorial Library at