Robbed Blind, the penultimate McMorrow book, officially slated for Fall 2022

September 30, 2022—Islandport Press and author Gerry Boyle have reached an agreement for two new Jack McMorrow mystery titles that will effectively bring an exciting close to the popular series after more than thirty years and fourteen novels.
Boyle, the dean of Maine-noir, introduced McMorrow in his debut novel, Deadline, which was released in 1993. Boyle, who worked as a newspaper reporter and columnist, brought a gritty and authentic street sense to his signature character. McMorrow, who also worked as a journalist, now stands as the longest-running continuing character in Maine literary history.
The first novel of the two-book story arc, Robbed Blind, is scheduled for release in November 2022 while the concluding novel is tentatively slated for the spring of 2024. Islandport Press has previously published three original Boyle novels and has also redesigned and reissued the entire McMorrow series.
“We are thrilled to work with Gerry on two new McMorrow books,” said Dean L. Lunt, editor-in-chief and founder of Islandport. “Gerry has been an important part of the Maine literary scene for more than three decades and McMorrow is one of the most popular ongoing characters ever created in this state.”
Boyle will once again work with Islandport fiction editor Genevieve Morgan. The duo have combined to win two Maine Literary Awards for Best Crime Fiction with Random Act and Straw Man.
Boyle began his writing career in newspapers, an industry he calls the “best training ground ever.” His first reporting job was in the paper mill town of Rumford before he moved on to the (Waterville) Morning Sentinel where he wrote a thrice weekly column. He spent a lot of time in courtrooms and police stations which inspired the creation of McMorrow. Boyle, who later worked at Colby College, his alma mater, is now retired.