Huntin’ and Fishin’ with the Ole Man is a beloved collection of humorous, fictional essays about hunting and fishing originally published by Maine Outdoors Publishing, but with limited circulation. The Islandport edition includes all-new material and introduces all the fun and characters to a wider audience. In stories like "Poached Mooseburgers” and “Rain Ain’t Nothin’ But Water,” the Ole Man and company find themselves in plenty of pickles that require ingenuity, humor, outdoor know-how, and a lot of patience to endure. Huntin’ and Fishin with the Ole Man is sure to become a staple at camp or in the canoe, and come in handy when the snows come or the fish won’t bite. Just don’t laugh too hard or you may flip your boat!
Huntin' and Fishin' With the Ole Man
Written by Dave O'Connor
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 264
Genre: Humor | Outdoors
Ages: All
ISBN: 978-1-952143-63-2
Publication Date: 2015, Revised 2022
Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 x 0.7 in
Shipping Weight: .71 lbs.