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Robbed Blind #13

The end is coming . . . and fast.

Aging investigative reporter Jack McMorrow is tired and finding it harder and harder to keep faith in a society with seemingly no rules except “don’t get caught.” In Robbed Blind, Jack’s world is turned upside down with cops protecting weed shops, militias on the march, podcasting replacing newspapers, and his pre-teen daughter dancing on Tik Tok. Do the old ways still make sense? Jack struggles with his present and works to bring his battle-honed reporting skills to bear for a final story he knows may never be written—risking his life to ensure that in this case of good vs. evil, good won’t go down without a fight. But in the thirteenth and penultimate novel featuring author Gerry Boyle’s signature character, one question looms larger than ever—will Jack McMorrow survive to fight another day?


Read an excerpt here.

Read an author Q&A here.

Read about the creation of the series here.

Robbed Blind #13

  • Written by Gerry Boyle

    Binding: Softcover

    Pages: 328

    Genre: Fiction | Mystery | Crime

    Ages: All

    ISBN: 978-1-952143-49-6

    Publication Date: December 2022

    Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 x .82

    Shipping Weight: 0.88 lbs


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