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Headin' for the Rhubarb!

Hilarious New Hampshire storyteller Rebecca Rule performs in every nook and cranny of the state, so you can bet she knows how to speak and understand the local language. In Headin' for the Rhubarb, she shares that knowledge to help visitors, transplants, and natives alike make sense of the state's unique vernacular and pronunciations. And she has a good time doing it!

Headin' for the Rhubarb!

  • Written by Rebecca Rule

    Binding: Softcover

    Pages: 252

    Genre: Nonfiction | Humor

    Ages: All

    ISBN: 978-1-934031-44-5

    Publication Date: 2010

    Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 x 0.63

    Shipping Weight: 0.69 lbs.

  • Rebecca Rule is a popular storyteller and the author of the adult titles Live Free and Eat Pie! and Headin' for the Rhubarb: A New Hampshire Dictionary (well, kinda) and the award-winning children's book The Iciest, Diciest, Scariest Sled Ride Ever! She is also the author of three short story collections about New Hampshire, including The Best Revenge, named Outstanding Work of Fiction by the New Hampshire Writer's Project. That book was also named one of five essential New Hampshire books by NH Magazine. For ten years she hosted the "NH Authors Series" on NHPTV. She now hosts “Our Hometown” also on NHPTV and available for download online. Her newest book is N is for New Hampshire, a children's alphabet book filled with stories and photographs of New Hampshire.

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