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Forever Yours, Bar Harbor

Before cameras were common, visitors to Mount Desert Island had to remember the beauty of the landscape through postcards. In this book, readers will be transported back in time to the Golden Age of Acadia, Mount Desert Island, and Bar Harbor, when the Rockefellers strolled the streets and carriage roads were actually used for carriages. These antique postcards were once collected and treasured, kept as mementoes and displayed for guests. While digital photography has replaced the postcard as the preferred way to share vacation memories, readers will enjoy traveling through time with registered Maine guide and author Earl Brechlin. Alongside each image, Brechlin provides illuminating details, tidbits of Maine lore, and information about how modern day Mount Desert Island compares with the scenic postcard. This fascinating collection of postcards and stories will appeal to history buffs, outdoor enthusiasts, and anyone who has been swept away by the magic of the Maine landscape.

Forever Yours, Bar Harbor

  • Written by Earl Brechlin

    Binding: Softcover

    Pages: 136

    Genre: Nostalgia | Gift | History

    Ages: All

    ISBN: 978-1-952143-12-0

    Publication Date: 2021

    Dimensions: 5.5 x 7.0 x 0.3 in.

    Shipping Weight: 0.5 lbs.


Book & Brew Anchor

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